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Childhood Trauma

Childhood Trauma

Dealing With Childhood Trauma

Childhood is the time to play, have fun, socialize and learn new things. But not all children are privileged to have a fulfilling and happy childhood. Some children become victims of abuse – physical, emotional or sexual, making their childhood the most traumatic stage of life. Such trauma, if unresolved, can mar children completely should they carry this burden into adulthood.

The consequences of childhood traumatic experiences echo through various aspects of adult life and can lead to or worsen symptoms of many psychological disorders, such as depression, anxiety, borderline personality disorder, substance abuse, PTSD, bipolar disorder, panic attacks, and a significant variety of other behavioral issues. There is some research to suggest that victims of childhood trauma are more susceptible to health issues such as cardiovascular disease and stroke.

Dealing with childhood trauma is difficult, especially without the right sort of help at the right time. Some people find it extremely difficult to revisit and explore the ramifications of their traumatic circumstances. Follow the suggestions below to cope better with childhood trauma:

Acknowledging the source of pain

First and foremost, acknowledge the presence of trauma. This may seem basic and automatic, but many traumatized individuals go out of their way to avoid anything and everything which is reminiscent of their past. Simply accepting the trauma makes it easier to address. Once the source of the difficulty is acknowledged, the process of letting go won’t be quite so difficult.

Address overreactions

Victims of childhood trauma find it quite natural to battle emotions which are intensified beyond what circumstances might otherwise demand. One of the best ways to take charge of such feelings is to seek therapy with a therapist who has experience and specialization in this area.

Be patient

Traumatic experiences attempt to subtract joy from life and trap trauma victims in the past, imprisoning them in the shackles of prolonged negativity and distress. Be patient. Be self-forgiving. Seek help. Open plenty of time to address the problem effectively and heal.