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Denver Therapy Series on Obamacare: Blog 6

Westside Behavioral Care / Affordable Care Act  / Denver Therapy Series on Obamacare: Blog 6
Denver Therapy Series on Obamacare: Blog 6

In the history of our nation, Title IV is the most purposeful and aspiring legislation ever written to prevent illness and disability. Data-based clinical prevention will be provided in many insurance policies without consumer cost.
Chain restaurants must post the calorie content of their selections.

An exceptionally good source of information on the Affordable Care Act may
be found on a DVD program provided by Howard Baumgarten, LPC, a
therapist and health care consultant residing in the Denver area (go to to purchase). Westside Behavioral Care does not
receive any money from the sale of this excellent DVD program.

Westside Behavioral Care in Denver, CO, is providing this series of blog posts on Obamacare as a public service.