Receptionist 303-986-4197
M – F • 8:30am – 5:00pm

Carly Boeselt

Westside Behavioral Care / Carly Boeselt
Carly Boeselt - LPC

- Offers sessions in-person and online

Carly does not specialize in substance abuse issues.

Carly values providing clients with skills they can begin utilizing immediately to start feeling better.

Therapist Carly headshot

Life often throws us things that we don’t expect, or never think we will have to deal with. Sometimes, it’s more of a life transition that leaves us feeling alone or not knowing where to turn next. I have a passion for joining side by side with my clients, guiding them in their journey to heal from their traumas and have improved, more fulfilling relationships. I especially enjoy working with women, college students, 20s & 30s, and couples as I have a multitude of experience with what challenges these groups face. I like to create a warm, personable environment for my clients so I can help them in finding the happiness and peace they deserve.

I value providing clients with skills they can begin utilizing immediately to start feeling better. I am trained in EMDR (Eye Motor Desensitization and Reprocessing) and am working to become an advanced certified EMDR therapist. I am also trained in DBT (Dialectical Behavioral Therapy) and use the tenants of leading couples researcher John Gottman.

I graduated from The University of Texas at Austin in 2016 where I received my Master of Arts in Counseling Education. Prior to my work as a therapist in private practice, I worked at the University of Colorado at Boulder, and in the K-12 public school system as a teacher.

Carly Boeselt Has Limited Availability

To connect with Carly Boeselt, please contact our receptionist between 8:30am and 5pm at 303-986-4197 or email us at any time.

Insurance Accepted

Client Age


Online Therapy

Carly Boeselt offers online therapy sessions through scheduled appointments. All Westside providers have access to HIPAA compliant and secure teleconferencing software to protect client privacy. Instructions to access a scheduled session will be sent directly by the provider leading up to the appointment.

Degrees & Licenses